Without data Suspicious Observers If you ignore the data If Facts Alarm You

Key Concepts: Ch.1-15 Ch. 16-22

05/28-31 Days 46-47) Senior Final Project Presentations
By 7AM the day of your presentation:
Please upload a pdf with the link to (or file of) your Final Project slides. If doing a peer review project, also be sure to “submit” your Google Doc Peer Review Report Preparation Form so that it shows up for me in Schoology.

05/23,24 Day 45) Facinating Discoveries with Linear Regression t-tests.
FYI: (resources used in the class videos)
Universal Understanding Through Unit Conversions
Edwin Hubble's original paper and data
(Start 5:00 - Stop 8:52) Edwin Hubble, the Expanding Universe, Hubble's Law.
(Start 3:00 - Stop 5:00) Sky at Night - Quasars, Redshifts and Controversy - May 1988
Red Shift or Red Herring? (Primary Redshift Perspective)
Modern calculations for the age of the universe (notice the assumptions changing)
The Most Unsettling Line in American Politics
(Start 11:40 - Stop 20:16) Princeton Professor Martin Gilens presentation at MIT. Also his
paper: Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens and a Rebuttal to the Paper

AP Test Resources: Last Minute AP Exam Review
Historical FR Questions Table of Past FR Topic of Past FR

5/21,22 Day 44) Investigation - Modern Portfolio Theory
1) Work on your final project. Make sure you are complying with all requirements and deadlines outlined on the handout.
FYI - from class: Investigation - Modern Portfolio Theory
Asset Allocation Factors, What is Asset Allocation
Portfolio Optimization a Primer, Efficient Frontier, Two Asset Portfolio
Risk Level 15 part 1, Risk Level 15 part 2, Distribution of Returns Over Time.
Markowitz Interview

5/06 Day 37M) Review for AP Exam.
Prepare for the AP Exam May 7th!

5/02,03 Day 37) Review for AP Exam. FR strategies question #6.
A) Complete 37D Edpuzzle Investigative Task.
B) Complete both sides of the handout by reading the Last Minute AP Exam Review
C) Prepare for the AP Exam May 7th!

4/30,5/01 Day 36) Final Exam (Practice AP Exam MC Section)
A) None.

4/29 Day 36M) Free Response Inference Test Ch. 18-27 with focus on 26, 27
A) Complete the Final Exam Review Questions in AP Classroom (Due 8AM 4/30,5/1)

4/25,26 Day 35) Review for Ch.18-27 FR Exam 4/29, Final Exam 4/30&5/1, and AP Exam.
AP Exam Free Response Strategies
A) Complete both sides of the handout Prep Book Topic Review - read the pdf in Schoology
B) Complete Edpuzzle 35D AP Classroom Review Session Free Response.
C) Study for Ch.18-27 FR Exam 4/29 and work to finish the AP Classroom MC to earn your final exam curve. 

4/23,24 Day 34) AP Exam Test taking strategies - Multiple Choice & Free Response.
Review for Ch. 18-27 FR test next Monday and AP MC Final Exam next Tue/Wed.
A) Finish the Inference Flow Chart including Assumptions and Conditions.
B) pg. 672-682 / 18, 20, 23. (18 - show all steps including A/C, 20&23 assume A/C OK)
C) Complete the Edpuzzle - Top 10 Tips for AP Exam
D) Continue working on the Final Exam Questions in AP Classroom.

4/22 Monday Day 33M) Review of multiple inference procedures in preparation for Free Resonse Test Ch. 18-27 with focus on 26, 27 next Monday 4/29.
A) Check for understanding - Identify the appropriate inference procedure (upload if absent)
B) Make corrections to 32A_B Book problems (using the key in 33M folder)
C) Prepare for Inference Test Ch. 18-27 with focus on 26, 27 this Th/Fri.
Continue working on the Final Exam Review Questions in AP Classroom.
Enrichment: Practice determining the correct inference procedure!

4/11,12 Day 32) Inference for Regression
A) Submit the completed class notes (pages 1 and 2)
B) pg. 672-682 / 2 (2a is slope), 8, 13(show A/C and all steps), 15.
     /* if you get stuck on #2 compare to the answers for #1 in the back of the book. */
C) Read Chapter 27 and Work on the Final Exam Review Questions in AP Classroom.

4/09,10 Day 31) Correlation and Regression Review. Lead in to Inference for Regresseion.
31A: Assignment 31
A) Complete the Edpuzzle and Inference Guide Regression columns 1 and 2
B) Complete the Correlation Regression Review (TI Calculator Tips Here)
(keep data in L1 and L2 - don't delete)
C) Work on the Final Exam Review Questions in AP Classroom.

4/11,12 Day 32) Inference for Regression
A) Submit the completed class notes (pages 1 and 2)
B) pg. 672-682 / 2 (2a is slope), 8, 13(show A/C and all steps), 15.
     /* if you get stuck on #2 compare to the answers for #1 in the back of the book. */
C) Read Chapter 27 and Work on the Final Exam Questions in AP Classroom.

4/09,10 Day 31) Correlation and Regression Review. Lead in to Inference for Regresseion.
31A: Assignment 31
A) Complete the Edpuzzle and Inference Guide Regression columns 1 and 2
B) Complete the Correlation Regression Review (TI Calculator Tips Here)
(keep data in L1 and L2 - don't delete)
C) Work on the Final Exam Questions in AP Classroom.

4/08 Day 31M) Chi-Square Quiz

4/04,05 Day 30) More practice working with the three types of chi-square test.
A) Complete and submit page 1 of 30D class notes.
B)  pg. 642-648 / 23, 24 (problem 23 think back to what we did at the beginning of the year. We tested for independence with segmented bar charts then with P(A) = P(A|B). Now the independence X2 test provides "wiggle room" to accommodate natural sampling variability.)
C) Complete the Edpuzzle.
D) Finish reading Chapter 26 and prepare for Chi-Square quiz Monday..

4/02,03 Day 29) Discover another chi-square test, homogeneity (and the associated TI shortcut - see below). Discover the 3rd chi-square test, independence(see class notes here). Complete the chi-square inference guide here.
Homogeneity - many groups asked 1 question (question = variable, answers = categories)
Independence - one group asked 2 questions.
A) Complete the Edpuzzle
B) Complete and submit the class notes.
C) pg. 642-648 / 28, 33, 35 (for all problems - show A/C, make a table showing observed and expected then use matrix and calculator shortcut to find the Chi-Squared value and p-value).

4/01 Day 28M) Chi-square Goodness of Fit continued, learn calculator short cut. Chi-square Inference Guide. Learn the importance of and how to calculate standardized residuals.
A) Complete the Edpuzzle
B) pg. 642-648 / 9b,c (b assume A/Cs OK and use X2GOF to calculate the answer, for part c compare with the answer for 9a, 10 (Show all steps but use X2GOF instead of making a table)
C) Read Ch.26 p.618-625.

3/28,29 Day 27) Discover a test for an entire distribution rather than just one proportion.
A) Complete and submit class notes pages 1-4.
B) pg. 642-648 / 6, 8, 9a. (for 8 and 9a make the table like we did in class for skittles,
     also 9a if the ratio is 9:3:3:1 then 9x+3x+3x+1x=100)
C) Read Ch.26 p.618-625.

3/26,27 Day 26) Unit V,VI Test (Chapters 18-25)
1) None. (Start reading Ch. 26?)

3/25 Mon Day 25) Review for test next class on Chapters 18-25.
A) Turn in the Day 25M Answer Key if absent
B) Study for Part V+VI Test (Chapters 18-25). next class.
C) Optional practice problems pg. 611-616 / 10, 12, 15, 23.

3/21,22 Day 24) Matched Pairs Chapter 25 class example class notes
A) Turn in the completed class notes  AND the completed Inference Guide for Quantitative Data.
B) in class finish pg. 602-608 / 1 (make experimental design flow charts), 9, 11, 15 (conf. int.), 19 (hypothesis test).
C) Read Chapter 25. Prepare for Ch.18-25 Quest next Tue/Wed.

3/19,20 Day 23) Review Day 20 Test. Comparing means continued. Column 2 of the Inference Guide for Quantitative Data.
Finish reading Chapter 24, Start reading Chapter 25.
B) pg. 579-586 / in class sample size problem, 22 (Show A/C and explain why you must stop!), 31 (don't stop! calculate the p-value with and without the outlier), 34 (show all steps), 36 (assume A/C met).
Stinger Tees
Do masks interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses? What story does the data tell? Use your AP Statistics tools to evaluate the data. Interview with lead author.
Dr. John Campbell discussion of the paper and appology.

3/20-22 Day 22) Sample size needed for quantitative data. Comparing means. "To pool or not to pool" and technology to the rescue for a wicked degrees of freedom calculation.

A) Submit the completed class notes, pages 1 and 2.
B) pg. 554-559 / 15, pg. 579-586 / 13 (show all steps), 20 (show all steps).
C) read Chapter 24
Ivermectin shows clinical benefits in mild to moderate COVID19

3/11-13 Day 21) Quantitative Data, Inference for Means, and the t distribution.
Click here for another explaination of the Nearly Normal Condition.

complete and submit the class notes pages 1 & 2 (Monday)
pg. 554-559 / 1, 5, 9, 13a (just verify the A/Cs), 31 (show all steps – conf. int.), 40 (show all steps - hypothesis test). (Due Wed/Th night).
complete the Edpuzzle introduction to inference for quantitative data. (Due Wed/Th night).
Read Chapter 23
FYI: Gosset's Original Student's T article The Probable Error of a Mean and summary.
Fisher's Applications of Student's Distribution
explaination of degrees of freedom: Degrees of freedom, df, is simply an index of the amount of random variability, mere chance coincidence, that can be present in a particular situation. Its closest literal translation would be something along the line of "degrees of arbitrariness."

03/07,08 Day 20) BIG Part V Test on Chapters 18-22.
A) Relax.

03/05,06 Day 19) Begin reviewing for Part 5 Test (Thursday/Friday). Perfect Pitch.
A) Review for the Test on Ch. 18-22.
B) Barry Bonds problem, pg. 523-528 / 5, 11, 22, 23, 32(part a - assume A/C OK), 34, 37, 38. pg. 522 / 30 (show all steps)
C) Study for the ch. 18-22 Test next class.
EnrichmentI: Perfect Pitch Example for problem 22 and explanation UCSD, SciAmer.
Remeber: Conclusions for Hypothesis Tests should be 2 sentences:
1st - P-value is __high / low__ therefore we __fail to reject / reject__ the null hypothesis.
2nd - There __isn't / is __ evidence ___(...in context of alternative hypothesis)___.

03/04 Day 18) Begin reviewing for Part 5 Test (Chapters 18-22 Thursday/Friday).
Should you intentionally walk Barry Bonds?
A) complete and submit the vocabulary review for the Test on Ch. 18-22.
B) Begin A19_B review problems for Part 5 Test (Chapters 18-22).

02/29,03/01 Day 17) Chapter 22 - The difference of two proportions.
A) complete column 3 of the inference guide and submit your completed inference guide in Schoology.
B) Pages 519-522 / 8 (8d sketch the entire model with empirical rule), 11, 18, 20, 24. (Show A/C for 11b, 18c, and 24a). (Due by the end of class)
C) complete the Edpuzzle. (Due by Sunday night)

Enrichment - extension of problem 11 pets and pesticides - UC Davis investigates autism and pesticides. Link 1, Link 2

02/27,28 Day 16) Skills Check Quiz Chapters 18-21
A) Complete the skills check in Schoology.
B) Get a head start on Assignment 17 if you want.

02/26 Mon. Day 15M) Hypothesis test for two proportions. Prepare for Ch.18-21 Skills Check next class.
A) Complete the class notes (1 page)
B) Complete the Edpuzzle review for Chapters 18-21.
C) Prepare for Ch.18-21 Skills Check Quiz next class (Tue/Wed).
Enrichment: (evaluate using concepts from AP Statistics)
India Analysis of First 1000 COVID-19 hospitalizations
Ivermectin as Prophylactic in Close Contacts of COVID19_Egypt
Efficacy of Ivermectin on Disease Progression COVID-19 I-TECH Randomized Clinical Trial
FLCCC comments on I-Tech Randomized Ivermectin Trial in JAMA
Meta analysis of 100 studies of Ivermectin for COVID-19
FLCCC The Totality of Evidence

02/15,16 Day 15) Quiz - 1 proportion z-test showing all steps.
Explore interactions between Type I &Type II errors, Power, Effect Size, and Sample Size.
A) complete and submit the class notes for Day 15 if absent (4pgs).
B) pg. 499-503 / 22, 24, 25, 28
C) Finish reading Ch.21 and prepare for Skills Check on Tue/Wed after break.

02/13,14 Day 14) Outcomes and errors of hypothesis tests.
A) complete and submit page 2 of the class notes
B) pg. 499-503 / 3, 5, 20, 21.
C) read Ch.21 up to page 493.
14D Outcomes

02/12 Day 14M) Alpha Level, when is our sample proportion beyond a reasonable doubt (beyond the expectation of natural sampling variability).
A) complete page 1 of the class notes
B) read Ch.21 up to page 493.

02/08,09 Day 13) Review Day 12. Day 13 notes pages 1 & 2 to introduce hypothesis testing.
13A Assignment 13
A) Complete and submit the class notes pages 1 and 2
B) Complete and submit pg. 476-479 / 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 25. (25 show all steps like in the class example)
C) Read chapter 20 and Fill in the Inference Guide
Conclusions for Hypothesis Tests should be 2 sentences:
1st - P-value is __high / low__ therefore we __fail to reject / reject__ the null hypothesis.
2nd - There __isn't / is __ evidence ___(...in context of alternative hypothesis)___.
*Remember: If you're HIGH, Then you FAIL

02/06,07 Day 12) Quiz on Ch. 19. Begin hypothesis testing.
12A Assignment 12
A) Complete the Edpuzzle.
B) Submit the Day 12 notes.
C) Begin reading chapter 20 if you want to get ahead.

02/05 Day 11) Review for Quiz on Chapters 19 Tue/Wed.
11A Assignment 11
A) Study for the quiz on Ch. 19, review your notes, homework, book, and Notation Review
(Optional Edpuzzle Review in the Day 10 Schoology folder.)
B) page 455-458 / 8, 15, 20, 26, 33, 35.

Enrichment: From early 2020 - Using available data to try and make good decisions. How fast is COVID-19 spreading? Two non peer-reviewed papers create confidence intervals for the R0 of 2019-nCoV:
1) We estimate the basic reproduction number of the infection (RR0) to be 3.8 (95% confidence interval, 3.6 and 4.0)
2) The resulting mean of R estimates is 4.08, as expected, with SD=0.36 (95% CI 3.37~4.77).

02/01,02 Day 10) Certainty vs. precision. Calculating the n required for ME=? and ? Confidence Level. Notation Review Game.
10A Assignment 10
A) Complete and submit Day 10 notes.
B) page 455-458 / 6, 27, 30.
C) finish reading Ch. 19
(begin studying for Ch. 19 quiz next Tue/Wed.)
(Optional Edpuzzle Review in the Day 10 Schoology folder.)

01/30,31 Day 9) Quiz on Chapter 18 then confidence interval examples
9A Assignment 9
A) Read Chapter 19
B) page 455-458 / 2, 3, 5, 13, 14, 17, 19, 23 (hints: 17a & 23a show all steps (see inference guide), 19 check A/C and find a reason to stop!)

01/29 Day 9M) Learn how to create a "p-trap" Otherwise known as a confidence interval.
Calculating critical values for various levels of confidence. Inference guide.
9M Assignment 9 Monday
A) Complete and submit Day 9 notes.
B) Study for the  Ch. 18 Quiz next class.
10D One Lonely Phat in Search of P

01/25,26 Day 8) The law of diminishing returns. Begin ch.19.
8A Assignment 8
A) Complete and submit Day 8 notes.
B) page Pg. 432-438 / 40, 42, 43, 45, 54.
Be sure to memorize the Assumptions and Conditions for using a Normal Model as the SDM for proportions and means. A hint for porportions:
Indep., Radomdomization, 10%, Sample Size, Success/Failure.
I Ran 10 Same Size Successful Firms "I ran 10 same size successful firms"

01/23,24 Day 7) Review Test on Ch. 16-17. Continue transitioning from binomials to proportions and the Central Limit Theorem, know pg. 429!
7A Assignment 7:
A) Complete and submit pages 1-3 of the Day 7 notes.
B) Pg. 432-438 / 16, 26, 27, 28, 33, 37.

01/22 Day 7M) Transitioning from binomials to proportions. Sampling distribution models. Transitioning from sums to means. Computer simulations - discovering the Central Limit Theorem.
7M Assignment 7M is to start Assignment 7:
A) Watch the video, start to complete pages 1-3 of the Day 7 notes.
B) consider starting 7A (assignment 7)
Dice App, Central Limit Theorem App

01/18,19 Day 6) Quest on Chapters 16 and 17. Begin Ch 18
6A Assignment 6
A) Watch the video and complete the class notes, then upload.
B) Begin reading Ch. 18
Transition from Chapters 16 and 17 to Chapter 18.
Roulette P(winning) 100 vs 1000 plays!
Red = 100 plays, Blue = 1000 plays. Green = break even.

As the number of plays increases the variability _____ and the gambler's chance of leaving without loosing ______ . The way you win at gambling is to be the house. The only rational way to enter a casino is with the mindset, "I am willing to lose $X to purchase entertainment."

01/16,17 Day 5) Review for Quest next class on Chapters 16 and 17.
5A Assignment 5
A) Study for the Quest next class on Chapters 16 and 17
B) on separate paper complete and upload pg. 405-410 / 3, 4, 12, 20, 28.

01/11,12 Day 4) Assumptions and conditions. Determine when we can approximate the Binomial probability model with the Normal model. Check out the binomial distribution applets: Binomial Distribution -Berkeley How to win at gambling!
4A Assignment 3 of 2nd Semester:
A) upload a pdf of your completed class notes for today.
B) on separate paper complete and upload 1) pg. 401-404 / 18, 20, 22, 31, 34. (31&34 approximate with a Normal Model showing the steps we did on page 2 of the class notes.)
C) Finish reading Ch.17, begin preparing for Ch. 16-17 Quest next Th/Fri.

01/09,10 Day 3) Present your game of chance. Geometric and Binomial probability models.
Learn to use your calculator for Geometric and Binomial probability models.
3A Assignment 3 of 2nd Semester:
A) upload a pdf of your completed class notes for today.
B) on separate paper complete (we will upload on Wed.) pg. 385 / 38, 40 and pg. 401-402 / 1, 2, 9, 11.
C) Read Ch.17
Permutations Combinations Review
Proof of the 10% Condition

01/08 Day 3M) Property insurance. Geometric probability models.
3M: Assignment 3M (yes we are starting with Assignment 3) of 2nd Semester:
A) upload a pdf of the front and back of your Game of Chance (counts as ½ a quiz).
B) Start reading Ch.17
Enrichment: The importance of Independence:
The Camp Fire

Credit Default Swaps - 60 Minutes

Read about attempts to claw back bonuses based on illusory models.
More from Reuters , the Economist.

12/18-21 Final Exams

12/14,15 Day 34) Probability Histograms. Random variables continued and insurance basics. The Pythagorean Theorem of Statistics. Continuous random variables.
A) upload a pdf of your completed class notes pages 1-3 for today.
B) on separate paper complete and upload pg. 383-386 / 27, 29, 35, 37 (Due January 7th at 11:59 PM)
C) Study for the Final Exam.

Enrichment: Proof of Sum of 2 Indep. Normal Random Variables is Normal

12/12,13 Day 33) Random Variables. Greedy Pig take 2. Games of Chance.

A) upload a pdf of your completed notes for today.
B) complete and upload pg. 383-384 / 1, 3, 5, 16, 18, 21 (show all steps for #1, others show the model/table then calculator is OK)
C) Read Ch.16 and continue studying for the final exam.
Optional: Begin designing your own game of chance due 1/9,10 (follow the instructions)

Enrichment: explore the variables that determine the cost of earthquake insurance

12/11 Day 33M) Review for Final Exam.
Submit the completed Ch.1-6 Review and Final Exam mixer key concept review.
B) Study for the final exam. Optional review questions are assigned in AP Classroom.

12/07,08 Day 32) Quiz/Test on Chapters 14-15. Begin review for Final Exam.
None. However, consider doing some optional final exam review questions in AP Classroom.

12/05,06 Day 31) Probability Simulation Lab.
Complete and submit pages 1 and 2 of the Day 31 class notes by the end of class.
B) Study for test on Ch. 14 & 15 Th/Fr (12/7,8), optional - complete the Kahoot.
C) Study for the final exam. Optional review questions are assigned in AP Classroom.

12/04 Day 31M) Review for Ch. 14 & 15 test (quest) on Th/Fr (12/7,8)
A) Complete the Edpuzzle
B) pg. 405-410 / 1, 2, 37, 40, 41, 42
C) Study for test on Ch. 14 & 15 Th/Fr (12/7,8), optional - complete the Kahoot.

11/30,12/01 Day 30) Disjoint and independence with conditional probability. Tree diagrams. Reversing the conditioning, Screening Tests,
A) Submit the completed class notes for Day 30.
B) Pg. 364-365 / [1, 21, 30 make Venn Diagrams], 31, [38, 40, 41, 46 make tree diagrams]
C) Finish reading Ch. 15 and study for Ch. 14-15 Quiz Tue/Wed.
FYI review experimental design:
Effect of 1%Povidone Iodine Mouthwash/Gargle, Nasal and Eye Drop in COVID-19 patient

11/28,29 Day 29) Discover the General Addition Rule and conditional probability leading to General Multiplication Rule.
A) Upload the completed class notes for Day 29
B) Pg. 361-365 / Using Venn Diagrams when possible 2,4,5,6,10,14,15,19. (Make Venn                    Diagrams for 2,4,19)
C) Read Ch.15 up to page 352.

11/27 Day 28M) Chapter 14 From Randomness to Probability continued.
B) pg. 338-341 / 3,4,5,6,7,19,21,23,25,27,35,36. (probability answers in decimals not %s)
C) Read Ch. 14 and review the Step By Step example.

11/22 Day 28W) Chapter 14 From Randomness to Probability. Challenger Space Shuttle - redundancy is not a replacement for independence.
A) Watch the Edpuzzle and submit the completed class notes

11/20,21 Day 27) Test on Ch.11,12,13
A) None

11/16,17 Day 26) Review for Test next class (Mon/Tue) on Chapters 11-13.
Review experimental design: Polio vaccines and keeping deer of highways.

) Complete and submit Keeping Deer Off Highways.

B) Pg. 317-322 / 1,2,3,4,16,17,18,19 (simulation w/10 trials each w/5 games), 22,25,31,33 (time to finish these last 4 problems in class on Wed.)
C) Study for the test on Ch. 11,12,13 this Mon/Tue
D) Work on Extra Credit Vocabulary Review Crossword Puzzle (due before Test Mon/Tue)
FYI: Compare and contrast polio from 70 years ago with COVID-19 today
The Biggest Public Health Experiment Ever: The 1954 Field Trial of the Salk Vaccine
6 Month Safety and Efficacy of the Pfizer Vaccine
CDC: How Schools and Early Care and Education (ECE) Programs Can Support COVID-19 Vaccination
(See Schoology for Peter Doshi comments on critically assessing biomedical studies)
Harm-benefit analysis of vaccine-related CAEs in relation to COVID-19 hospitalization risk
Subclinical Myocarditis - Report from Switzerland - Vital Findings

11/14,15 Day 25) Experimental Design Ethics. Review experimental design, fish tank problem. Infromed consent in medical experiments. Review Ch. 11,12 Quiz.
B) Pg. 312-315 / 11,16,17,18, 34, 35.
C) Finish Reading Ch. 13 and begin studing for Ch. 11-13 Test 11/20,21
D) Work on Extra Credit Vocabulary Review Crossword Puzzle
Enrichment: Ethics
The Tuskegee Experiment: Summary, Government Apology, CDC, Tuskegee Univ., Tuskegee Univ., Photos
a) When did it begin and what disease was the Tuskegee experiment tying to learn more about?
b) What aspects of experimental design were employed in the Tuskegee experiment?
c) What aspects were omitted?
d) When did the Tuskegee experiment become unethical?
e) When and why was it ended?
f) How did Tuskegee change research practices?
More interesting links:
Standford cancer breakthrough using mice
Parkinson’s Study – Active Placebo, holes drilled in head.
The Ethics of Placebo Controlled Trials
Ethical, Scientific, and Regulatory Perspectives Regarding the Use of Placebos in Cancer Clinical Trials
Nonconsensual Medical Experiments on Human Beings
Enrichment: Informed Consent
https://www.fda.gov/patients/clinical-trials-what-patients-need-know/informed-consent-clinical-trials and https://www.fda.gov/media/88915/download
Informed Consent - It's Your Right
"Are Canadians okay with ‘informed consent’ being disposed of?"

11/13 Day 25M) Lurking vs Counfounding.
A) Submit the class notes for pages 1 & 2.
Get started on 25A_B) (due Wed/Th night) Pg. 312-315 / 11,16,17,18, 34, 35.
C) Finish Reading Ch. 13

11/08,09 Day 24) Chapter 13 Experiments. Retro-Observational study is like detective work.
Complete and submit the Day 24 class notes.
B) Pg. 312-315 / 7,8,10,12,29,32,33,36 (33b & 36d- Sketch the experimental design).
Clinical Profile of First 1000 COVID-19 Cases: An Indian Experience

The Miracle Not-Heard Around The World: The Success of Uttar Pradesh Part 1, 2, 3.
The Incidence of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in Post COVID-19
Unvaccinated Patients

11/06,07 Day 23) Quiz on Chapters 11 & 12. 
Begin Chapter 13 Observational Studies and Experiments.
Complete the 2 Edpuzzles and submit both pages of the class notes.
Babies smoking Babies not smoking
Ribavirin scandal inappropriate treatment assignment from the Edpuzzle.

11/02,03 Day 22) Review response bias (induced bias due to question wording or interviewer influence). Review all biases. Review Sampling Strategies - explained with Random Rectangles.
A22: Input your random Rectangle Part 3 Data
A) Submit Random Rectangles Part 3 pages 1,2, and 4.
B) Pg. 288-291 / 10,17,19,27,32,35.
C) Prepare for quiz Mon/Tue on Chapters 11 & 12. Know your vocab and make sure you know how to conduct a simulation (Who's your buddy?, Biases I hope to . . .).

10/31,11/01 21D) Continue study design - Sample Surveys and Bias. Sampling Strategies.
A) Complete the Edpuzzle and submit class notes page 2 and the random rectangle analysis.
B) Pg. 288-291 / 7, 8, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26.
C) Read Chapter 12.

10/30 Day 21M) Begin study design - Sample Surveys and Bias.
A) Complete the Edpuzzle and submit the class notes for page 1.
B) Begin reading chapter 12.
Biases I hope to N V R C U.
Fatal Bias

10/26,27 Day 20) Introduction to Randomness.  
Random Rectangles and Simulation using randint( ).
A) Turn in the completed class notes pages 1-3 as a 1 file pdf.
Input your Random Rectangles answers into the GoogleForm using your FUHSD account:
B) Pg. 265-267 / 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 15, 19, 25, 34 ( 19 & 25 use Pg. A-73 Appendix G for a list of random numbers, 34 use Randint(1,6,2) for rolling two dice.  For all 3 be sure to define SCOTR for each then do 15 trails for each.)
C) Read Chapter 11

10/24,25 Day 19) Test on Chapters 7-9
A) Start reading chaper 11
B) Get a head start on 20A_B book problems.
Check out www.random.org for more info about random numbers.
Using radioactive material to generate random numbers

10/23 Day 19M) Test on Chapters 7-9 next clas. Intro to Randomness.
A) Make corrections to 18A_B book problems
B) Study for the test next class on Chapters 7-9.
*Make sure you bring a computer to our next class.

10/19,20 Day 18)  Pop Quiz! Review for 10/24,25 Test on Chapters 7-9.
A) Turn in Day 18 pages 1 & 2 of YOUR notes. (your Long Jump with
     classmates evaluation)
B) Pg. 243-244 / 30 and pg. 245-252 /1, 8, 9, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31
C) Study for the 10/24,25 Test on Chapters 7-9.
Make sure you can answer: How Confident are you in your prediction?
(optional) Review the Kahoot practice questions.

10/17,18 Day 17) What can go wrong with regression continued. What is Chapter 10 about?
A) In class Quick summary of Chapter 10 (not on next week's test)
B) Work on 18A_B Pg. 243-244 / 30 and pg. 245-252 /1, 8, 9, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31 (due by end of class Th/Fri)
C) Study for 10/24,25 Test on Chapters 7-9.
Enrichment: Chapter 10 resources: Solving exponential and log equations, Ladder of Powers
FYI: Climate Change, you now have tools to help critically evaluate all sides of the issue.
USGCRP Indicators Heat Wave Overlay Suspicious Observers If you ignore the datahttps://data.globalchange.gov/indicator?current=1,
Princeton's William Happer rebuts myth of carbon pollution.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tul07hx8V8w Could the sun be the major contributor?
The Most Important Dataset of the Pandemic?
Are they both spurious correlations if they match up? (Booster rates and excess mortality.)

10/16 Day 17M)  What can go wrong with regression continued.
A) Turn in the completed class notes – pages 1 and 2.
B) Pg. 214-221 / 1, 6, 29.
C) Study for 10/24,25 Test on Chapters 7-9.

10/12,13 Day 16) What can go wrong with regression (continued). Using linear regression to investigate the FL 2000 U.S. Presedential Election and the infamous butterfly ballot. Take a trip to the dentist, amalgams vs. fecal mercury.
16A: Assignment 16
A) By the end of class complete 16D notes pages 1 & 2 + 17D page 2 (we will finish 17D page 1 next week)
B) Complete the 1st half of 17D page 1
C) Read Chapter 9
FL Election Results (
Excel 97-03) (Excel 2007) (PDF)
View the infamous Butterfly Ballot.
David Quig, PhD - IAOMT presentation: mercury derived from amalgam fillings
(minutes 8:55 - 20:00 pertain to the investigation we did in class.)
Amalgams and Fecal Mercury

10/10,11 Day 15) What can go wrong with regression.
Learn how leverage and residual produce three flavors of outliers.
Enrichment: Evaluate real life examples of linear regression and outliers
...................(Gun violence paper 1 & 2 & video explaination and Covid outbreaks). 
A) Complete page 1 of the Day 16 notes in class (we will finish page 2 on Th/Fri)
B) Pg. 214-221 / 11, 13, 14, 25, 27, 15.
FYI: mix your own flavor of outlier with the Correlation Regression Demo (be sure to click on the mean-mean line and regression line).
Outlier Flowchart
Enrichment:Use your knowledge of linear regression to evaluate the paper (and supplement) out of the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies that finds, "At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1)."

10/05,06 Day 14) Clarify the role of R^2, visual, proof challenge. Check out this R^2 Animation (I made this to animate the information in the blue box on page 183 of our book). Discuss the success of the model vs. the appropriateness of the model. Learn to utilize residual plots. Learn to do it on your calculator.
We can calculate the mean of skewed data, but is it appropriate?
We can calculate the R^2 of non-linear associations, but is it appropriate?

Answering - How Confident are you in your prediction?
A) Turn in the completed class notes – pages 1 and 2.
B) Complete the problems pg.192-199 / 8,11,27,29,31,54.
C) Study for the quiz on chapters 7 and 8 next class (Days 12-14)
R Squared Visual
R^2 Hurricanes
Acumulated Cyclone Energy, Global Warming and Hurricanes.

10/03,04 Day 13) How can we use the correlation coefficient to estimate the y value for a given x value?  How to write the equation for the line of best fit and other interesting discoveries from doing a BIG proof.
A) Turn in the completed class notes including problems 1,3,5,7 we did on page 3.
B) Complete the problems pg.192-199 / 14,15,17,19,21,37,42.
C)  Read Ch. 8

10/02 Monday Day 12M) Review Answers to Test Ch 1-6
Use the key in DAy 12M folder to make corrections to 12A_B book problems.

09/28,29 Day 12) Discover a numerical summary for the strength of the association between two quantitative variables (the spread of points about the form). Be able to calculate correlation coefficients on your calculator.
A) Turn in the completed class notes.
B) Complete the problems 164-170 / 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 20, 23, 24, 25, 29, 34, 35, 38.
C)  Read Ch. 7
Enrichment: Four Square Multiple Choice _ Plot your own points
Screen time might boost depression in teens . Full Text of Study
Lurking Variable

09/26,27 Day 11) Big Test on everything so far this year - Chapters 1-6.  
11A - Assignment 11:
A) Complete and submit Monday's handout if you didn't finish it in class.

09/25 Day 11M) Introduction to Part 2
Classwork 11M:
finish and submit the handout (available in Schoology)
B) Make correcdtions to A10_A
C) Study for BIG TEST on Ch. 1-6 next class.

09/21,22 Day 10) Review for Big Test next Tue/Wed.
A) pg. 135-143 / 10, 20, 33, 36, 38. 5, 8 (draw the entire normal model), 14, 25, 27
B) Review for Big Test next Tue/Wed. Review your class notes and assignments from Days 1-10, Chapters 1-6 of your book, as well as the Key Concepts.
Optional practice questions available (assigned) in AP Classroom.

9/19,20 Day 9) Small Quiz on Ch. 6. History of Normal Models.(Galton Board). 
Normal Probability Plot.
9A - Assignment 9:
A) Submit completed class notes for 9D pages 1 and 2.
B) get a head start on A10 (Due Sunday night)
C) Review for BIG TEST nexst Tue/Wed
Enrichment: In 1733 Abraham de Moivre, drawing on the work of Jacob and Nicolaus Bernoulli, calculus, and the underlying structure of Pascal's Triangle, demonstrated how a set of random drawings would distribute themselves around their average value. De Moivre's distribution is know today as a normal curve. It makes it possible to evaluate the probability that a given number of observations will fall within some specified bound around a true ratio.

9/18 Monday Day 9M) Drawing Normal Models and the Empirical Rule.
Ch. 6 Quiz next class (primarily Ch.6)
9M - Assignment 9M:
A) Complete page 2 of the class notes (we will finish page 1 next class).
B) pg. 131-133 / 25, 26 (25,26 draw the entire model), 31, 32, 44 (draw individual curves and show z score calculations).
C) Read Ch.6 to prepare for a small quiz on Ch. 6 Tue./Wed.

09/14,15 Day 8) Journey to Mathmagic Land to discover the power of the Normal Model. Know the cereal example pages 121-123.
8A - Assignment 8:
A) Complete and submit the class notes.
B) p.129-133 / 7, 9, 10, 38, 40, 45 (draw Normal curves for each part of 38,40,45)
Remember N(100, 16) means the mean = 100 and standard deviation = 16 for your z-score calculations.
C) Read pages 116-123.
D) Begin preparing for a quiz on Ch. 6 next Tue/Wed.
Z scores to Percents

9/12,13 Day 7) Quiz Chapters 4 and 5. You can compare apples n oranges!
If you use the standard deviation as a ruler.
Begin Ch. 6 Measuring with Standard Deviations. Z-score practice.
7A - Assignment 7:
A) Complete and submit the class notes.
B) p.129-130 / 3, 6, 11, 12, 16, 18, 22.
C) Read pages 104-111.
FYI: Check out the official decathlon scoring tables and the theory behind them.
Who is the taller person

09/11 Mon. Day 6M) Review for Quiz next class (Primarily on Chapters 4 and 5).
6M - Assignment 6M: Warm Up: Make corrections to A5_B,
A) Complete the in class problems.
B) Complete the Exit Ticket Vocabulary Review. 
C) Complete the Decathlon Investigation handout – both sides
D) Review for Tue/Wed Quiz. Study your class notes (concepts/vocab), assignments, and review Chapters 4 and 5 of our book (you can ignore Re-expressing Data pgs 89-91). The quiz will focus primarily on displaying quantitative data and describing distributions numerically but everything covered so far is fair game.
Enrichment: Is it a solution if it's more detrimental than the problem?
COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for Young Adults: A Risk-Benefit Assessment and Five Ethical Arguments against Mandates at Universities
Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults

09/07,08 Day 6) Investigate a measure of spread to complement the mean.
Decide when to use which measure of center and spread.  Calculators are for calculating aren't they? Learn to find all or our summary statistics with the calculator! Review for Quiz next Tue/Wed. (Primarily on Chapters 4 and 5).
6A - Assignment 6:
A) Edpuzzle – Standard Deviation Theory
B) pages 75-78 / 48,50 (no reports, just write a few sentences) pages 95-100 / #7, 28, 30.
C) Complete the Decathlon Investigation handout –side 1
D) Review for Quiz next Tue/Wed. Study your class notes (concepts/vocab), assignments, and review Chapters 4 and 5 of our book (you can ignore Re-expressing 8Data pgs 89-91). The quiz will focus primarily on displaying quantitative data and describing distributions numerically but everything covered so far this year is fair game.
for newer TI84 users: If your 1-Var Stats input asks for Frequency and you want it to be 1. Then just hit clear and enter.
Enrichment: Advantages of the mean deviation, standard deviation proof, and
Why divide by n-1
Denmark: No More COVID Vaccines Offered for Under-50
What does Pfizer's data on 8 mice say about risk/reward of the Bivalent Omicron Booster?
UCSF Dr. & Professor Vinay Prasad discusses risk/reward for bivalent (Omicron) boosters.
Part 1 and Part 2

09/05,06 Day 5)  Figure out how to describe the distribution of quantitative data numerically. Be able to calculate 5-number summaries and create boxplots. What can a time plot tell you that a histogram cannot? Investigate the El Nino Southern Oscillation. 
5A - Assignment 5:
A) complete and submit pages 1 and 2 of the class notes 
B) handwritten on a separate piece of paper complete the following 3 parts:
1. Complete the penny problem from class.
2. Think of and list 3 time series that exhibit seasonal 
          variation. Be sure to describe the cause (or potential
          cause) of the seasonal variation.
3. Pg. 72-76 / 6, 8, 10, 42, Pg. 101-102 / 36

C) Join our AP Section on your College Board Account if you didn't last week.

08/31,09/01 Day 4) Quiz on Part I Chapters 1,2,3.  Then continue to investigate ways of displaying quantitative data. The nuances of creating stem-and-leaf displays. Histograms with the calculator and the importance of proper bar width. 
Assignment 4: Handouts and Submissions for parts A, B, and C through Schoology
Read your book up to page 52.
A) complete the Edpuzzle
B) complete and submit the class notes
C) complete and submit Pg. 72-75 / 5, 7, 9, 32 
D) Join our AP Section on your College Board Account
(see Schoology message)

08/29,30 Tue/Wed Day 3) Explore Simpson's Paradox. Review for Th/Fri quiz on Ch. 1-3. Review of Six Month Safety and Efficacy.
3A Assignment 3:
A) (in class) Edpuzzle: check for understanding - book review Ch. 1-3.
B) Study for quiz on Chapters 1-3 Th/Fri
                1) Read you book chapters 1-3.
                2) Review the Think, Show, Tell format in the Step-By-Step
                    Example pg. 31-32.
                3) study your class notes and vocabulary
                4) review your assignments
C) Start Day 4 Th/Fri notes if you want using the Edpuzzle in the Day 4 Schoology folder.
Real life example of Simpson’s Pardox with COVID-19 data 12:48-14:55
Does the FDA think these data justify the first full approval of a covid-19 vaccine?
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Children Obligate Action (lots of links for more information)
Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (pdf)
UCSF Dr. & Professor Vinay Prasad discusses risk/reward for bivalent (Omicron) boosters
According to the CDC, "education
and messaging to help individual persons understand their risk for medically significant illness complements recommendations for prevention strategies based on risk."
Do masks interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses? What story does the data tell? Use your AP Statistics tools to evaluate the data. Interview with lead author.
Dr. John Campbell discussion of the paper and appology.
College name and vaccine mandate information.

08/28 Monday Day 3M) Review segmented bar charts to determine independence/association of two categorical variables, evaluate the Investigative Task, and review for quiz Th/Fri.
3M Assignment 3:
A) (in class) Watch the Edpuzzle instructions on how to self-assess assignments. Then self-assess 2A_B Smoking and Education in Schoology.
B) (in class) Submit completed rubric review of your partner's 6 Month Safety and Efficacy in Schoology.
C) Do pg. 37-43 / problems 15, 16, 22, 36.
D) Study for quiz on Chapters 1-3 Th/Fri
1) Read you book chapters 1-3.
2) Review the Think, Show, Tell format in the Step-By-Step Example pg. 31-32.
3) study your class notes and vocabulary
4) review your assignments

08/24,25 Th/Fri Day 2) Displaying and Describing Categorical Data, Take a trip on the Titanic. Investigate contingency tables, conditional distribution, and segmented bar charts, and independence/association between categorical variables. Titanic - Does chance of survival depend on ticket class? COVID-19 - Does chance of survival depend on age?
 Assignment 2: Submit parts A, B, and C through Schoology
A) Finish the 3 pages of the class notes.
B) Assignment 3 handout (Smoking and Education) (see Ch. 3 example problems for hints)
C) Complete the investigative task 6 Month Safety and Efficacy on a separate paper. Reference 6 Month Safety and Efficacy Report and Appendix.
D) Read Ch. 1-3 of your book in preparation for quiz next Th/Fri.
CDC COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios, Infection fatality rate analysis
Protection and Waning of Natural and Hybrid Immunity to SARS-CoV-2
CDC Update: Summary of Guidance for Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19
Excess mortality attributed to heat and cold (improper scaling of graph)

08/22,23 Tue/Wed Day  1) Why AP Statistics? What to expect from the course and your teacher.  Get a taste of statistics being utilized in a real-world setting. Discuss AP Test expectations. Learn to describe data in its context. Investigate types of variables.
Assignment 1:
A) Complete the Green Sheet and AP Statistics Course and Exam Guide scavenger hunt in Schoology.
B) complete both sides of the class notes, including the problems on page 2 if you didn't finish during classtime. Then upload a multipage pdf of pages 1 and 2 of the notes.
Consider:  Genius Scan, Cam Scanner, etc.
C) Read Chapters 1 and 2 of your book.  If you don’t have a book, a digital copy is available in Schoology.

08/21 Mon. Day 0 Introduction to AP Statistics (45 min. class)
Organization of course resources, class structure, resources.
0A - Assignment 0: also posted in Schoology with links
A) Discover The Joy of Stats, complete the Edpuzzle in the Day 0 folder.
B) Begin reading Chapters 1 and 2.



AP Statistics Assignments